• Start: Muzej grada Perasta, Perast

    Cilj: Katedrala sv. Tripuna, Kotor

    Dužina staze: 33km

    Ukupni uspon: 2050m

    Max. elevacija: 1024m

    Okrepe: 8.5km (Gornji Orahovac), 17km (Mali Zalazi), 26.5km (Žanjev do), Cilj (Kotor)

  • SUBOTA, 26. APRIL:

    14:00 - 20:00 | Preuzimanje startnih paketa (Omladinski klub, Kotor )


    07:00 | Polazak autobusa na relaciji Kotor - Perast (lokacija polaska - TBD)

    07:00 - 07:20 | Preuzimanje startnih paketa (Perast)

    07:30 | Start trke (Blue Course)

  • Organizovani prevoz takmičara kreće iz Kotora (parking na Benovu, kod Starog grada) sat vremena prije starta trke (u 06:00). Rezervacija je moguća isključivo u sklopu registracije za odabranu trku uz naknadu od 3.00 EUR po osobi.

    • Osnovni set prve pomoći (gaza, zavoj, flaster) + astro folija

    • Obavezno je nositi mobilni telefon sa napunjenom baterijom

    • Ranac sa hidracionim sistemom ili boce ukupnog kapaciteta od najmanje 1 litar

    • Startni broj koji se dobije uz startni paket mora uvijek biti vidljiv sprijeda, zakačen na majicu ili na standardni triatlon pojas.

    • Strogo zabranjeno trčanje bez majice/dresa, golog torza (nepoštovanje prouzrokuje diskvalifikaciju)

    • U slučaju povrede drugog takmičara obavezni ste pružiti svu vrstu pomoći bez obzira na svoj trenutni plasman (nepoštovanje prouzrokuje diskvalifikaciju)

    • Strogo zabranjeno bacanje smeća (ambalaža od vode, gelova i sl.) van zona okrepnih stanica (nepoštovanje prouzrokuje diskvalifikaciju)

    • Učestvujete na sopstvenu odgovornost

  • Unutar zidina starog grada biće jasno označena putanja do cilja na platou ispred katedrale Sv. Tripuna.

    Za Green Course by Porto Montenegro ulaz u stari grad obavlja se sa južne strane nedaleko nakon prolaska kružnog toka.

    Za Blue Course i Red Course ulaz u stari grad obavlja se sa sjeverne strane preko mosta na rijeci Škurdi.

    • Startni broj (BIB) sa čipom

    • Oficijalna tehnička majica

    • Markiranje staza, mape i uputstva

    • GSS na stazi

    • Okrepne stanice na stazi

    • Unikatna finišerska medalja za one koji završe u vremenskom limitu

    • Okrepa i topli obrok nakon trke

  • Svi takmičari koji završe trku dobijaju FINISHER medalju.

    Apsolutni pobjednici (M i Ž) dobijaju trofeje.

  • Prijave se vrše isključivo ONLINE

    Za prijave do 02.08.2024 u 23:59 iznos startnine je 39.00€

    Za prijave do 31.12.2024 u 23:59 iznos startnine je 46.00€

    Za prijave do 28.02.2025 u 23:59 iznos startnine je 55.00€

    Za prijave od 01.03.2025 iznos startnine je 63.00€

    Prijave su otvorene do 25.04.2025

    +5% processing fee

  • Refundacija je moguća samo u slučaju otkazivanja cjelokupnog Boka Bay Trail 2025.

    U slučaju otkazivanja, registraciju je moguće prenijeti na narednu godinu.

    Refundacija nije moguća u slučaju pomjeranja datuma održavanja trke za neki drugi datum tekuće godine.

  • Za sva pitanja i nedoumice, hitne slučajeve, ili ukoliko tokom trke želite odustati, OBAVEZNO kontaktirajte:

    Igor Majer: +382 67 285 549

    Marko Tomašević: +382 67 372 273

    Služba za hitne slučajeve: 112

  • Start: Perast Museum, Perast

    Cilj: The Cathedral of Saint Tryphon, Kotor

    Course length: 33km

    Total accent: 2050m

    Max. elevation: 1024m

    Aid stations: 8.5km (Gornji Orahovac), 17km (Mali Zalazi), 26.5km (Žanjev do), Finish (Kotor)


    14:00 - 20:00 | Starter pack pickup (Omladinski klub, Kotor )


    07:00 | Departure of the bus on the route Kotor - Perast (TBD)

    07:00 - 07:20 | Downloading starter packages (Perast)

    07:30 | Start of the race (Blue Course)

  • An organized bus transfer departs from Kotora (location to be decided) one hour before the race starts (at 06:00). Seat reservations are only available within the race registration for a fee of 3.00€ per person.

    • Basic first aid kit (gauze, bandage, and band-aid) + astro foil

    • It is required to carry a mobile phone with a charged battery and a valid SIM card.

    • Backpack with hydration system or bottle with a capacity of at least 1 liter

    • The start number provided with the start package must always be visible from the front, attached to a T-shirt or on a standard triathlon belt.

    • It is strictly forbidden to run without a shirt or jersey or with a bare torso (non-compliance causes disqualification).

    • In the event of the injury of another competitor, you are obliged to provide all kinds of assistance regardless of your current placement (non-compliance causes disqualification).

    • It is strictly forbidden to throw garbage (water bottles, gels, etc.) outside the zones of aid stations (non-compliance causes disqualification).

    • You participate at your own risk.

  • Within the walls of the old town, the path to the finish line will be clearly marked to the Cathedral of Saint Tryphon.

    For the Green Course by Porto Montenegro, the entrance to the old town is on the south side after passing the roundabout.

    For Blue Course and Red Course, the entrance to the old town is from the north over the bridge on the Škurda river

    • Runners number (BIB) with chip

    • Official dry-fit T-shirt

    • Course marking, maps and guides

    • Rescue team on duty

    • Enroute aid stations

    • Unique finisher medal for all participants

    • Hot meal after the race

  • All competitors who finish the race receive a FINISHER medal.

    Absolute winners (M and F) receive trophies.

  • Registrations are made exclusively ONLINE

    For registrations until 02.08.2024 at 23:59, the entry fee is €39.00

    For registrations until 31.12.2024 at 23:59, the entry fee is €46.00

    For registrations until February 28, 2025 at 11:59 p.m., the entry fee is €55.00

    For registrations from March 1, 2025, the entry fee is €63.00

    Registrations are open until April 25, 2025

    +5% processing fee

  • Refund is only possible in the event of cancellation of the entire Boka Bay Trail 2025.

    In case of cancellation, the registration can be postponed to the next year.

    Refunds are not possible if the race date is moved to another date in the current year.

  • For all questions and concerns, emergencies, or if you want to give up during the race, BE SURE to contact:

    Igor Majer: +382 67 285 549

    Marko Tomašević: +382 67 372 273

    Emergency Service: 112


terms and conditions



Let’s strive, thrive and feel alive outside – together.
